by Angela Guess
Tom Phelan, Chief Architect of BlueData, recently wrote in InsideBigData, “Over the next year, a growing number of customers will realize the vast business benefits of Big Data and will deploy Big Data solutions across their organization. Technical innovations, the rise of BDaaS, a shifting approach to data locality, platform convergence and other trends will help drive adoption. The following are eight key things to watch for in the coming months. (1) Big Data across the enterprise. In 2016, Hadoop and Spark will move beyond pilot and departmental deployments to enterprise-scale, production environments. For these organizations, Big Data will transition from a ‘science project’ experiment among a handful of users to become a business-critical initiative across the enterprise. Strong data security, multi-tenancy, and resource QoS control will be mandatory.”
Phelan’s list continues, “(2) Spark surpasses MapReduce. Spark was red hot in 2015, and adoption of Spark will continue to accelerate throughout the year. Spark will continue to replace MapReduce as Hadoop’s general-purpose computation engine, driven by Spark’s lightning-fast computation and popularity with data scientists. (3) Big Data platforms converge. There will be an increasing convergence of processing technologies like Hadoop and Spark with NoSQL platforms. We will see organizations employ Hadoop and MongoDB together, or Spark and Cassandra together, rather just one or the other. Enterprises will no longer commit specifically to a Hadoop approach or a Cassandra approach, but will instead embrace a combination of data platforms to enable a more cohesive Big Data strategy.”
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