
Using Deep Learning to Read Medical Images

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xraby Angela Guess

A recent article in Nanalyze reports, “Let’s say you could program a deep learning algorithm to read medical images as good as doctors can. Would you then replace all your radiologists with a deep learning program? Maybe you wouldn’t, but what if that deep learning algorithm was better than your radiologists? What if it just wasn’t marginally better, but 10X better? One startup called Enlitic is using deep learning to automatically screen for hundreds of specific diseases within your medical imaging data, while being cheaper, faster, and more accurate than the manual methods used today.”

The article continues, “Founded in 2014, San Francisco startup Enlitic has taken in just $15 million in funding so far to develop their deep learning healthcare company which will focus on medical imaging solutions. One of their investors, Capitol Health Limited, is an Australian healthcare company which provides diagnostic imaging services via 51 clinics and which has began rolling out the Enlitic deep learning solution. With the founder of Enlitic, Jeremy Howard being from Melbourne, it makes more sense as to why they chose Australia as their initial market. Enlitic’s business model is not to sell their deep learning solution but rather to take a cut of the profits realized by the clients that adopt it. So what exactly is Enlitic selling here, or not selling as it were?”

Read more here.

photo credit: Flickr/ starpause kid

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