Ron Lake

Ron Lake

Ron Lake, CEO and Founder at Galdos Systems Inc

Ron Lake has written and spoken extensively on spatial technologies and the Internet of Things. Ron is widely recognized as a visionary figure in the geospatial industry, with over 30 years of experience in advanced software technologies and systems.

Ron is the original creator of GML, an OGC and ISO standard, and wrote the book Geography Markup Language (GML) – Foundation for the GeoWeb. He has also made significant contributions to key XML and web services standards for interoperability.

Ron founded Galdos Systems in 1998, establishing the company as an leader in registry technology and open standards. Ron sees Registries of Things as natural partners for the Internet of Things, as he explains in his post: Registry of Things. Watch the videos to learn more about Galdos INdicio Registry for Pipeline Information and Sharing and Managing Aviation Information with Registries.

Ron holds B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Toronto in Canada. He has also done significant academic work in Computer Architectures, and in Singularity Theory, Catastrophe Theory, Abstract Algebra, and Abstract Dynamics.

Learn more about Galdos Systems, and read Ron’s blog, at

Connect with Ron on LinkedIn, or follow him on twitter: @rlake66.


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