
Slides: Metadata and the Power of Pattern-Finding

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About the Webinar

According to Gartner, “through 2018, 80 percent of data lakes will not include effective metadata management capabilities, making them inefficient.” Tools within the Apache Spark ecosystem, such as SparkSQL, MlLib, and GraphX, are making ingesting, transforming, and querying data easier, but a missing link remains.

In order to harness the power of pattern-finding to discover unknown insights from the relationships between your historical Big Data and streaming Fast Data, a mature, proven metadata repository must be at the center of your organization’s data architecture.

In this webinar, Leon Guzenda, Chief Technical Marketing Officer at Objectivity, will discuss how to use metadata to not just follow paths, but also patterns, including more efficient shipping routes, recommendation engines, or ways to catch money laundering and other types of financial fraud. It will discuss the pros and cons of open source tools and how to leverage them with a metadata repository to reach the true potential of real-time relationship discovery.

About the Speaker

Leon Guzenda

Chief Technical Marketing Officer, Objectivity

Leon Guzenda - CTMO and Founder.JPGLeon Guzenda was one of the founding members of Objectivity in 1988 and one of the original architects of Objectivity/DB. He currently works with Objectivity’s major customers to help them effectively develop and deploy complex applications and systems that use the industry’s highest-performing, most reliable database technology. He also liaises with technology partners and industry groups to help ensure that Objectivity remains at the forefront of database and distributed computing technology.

Leon has more than five decades of experience in the software industry. At Automation Technology Products, he managed the development of the ODBMS for the Cimplex solid modeling and numerical control system. Before that, he was Principal Project Director for International Computers Ltd. in the United Kingdom, delivering major projects for NATO and leading multinationals. He was also design and development manager for ICL’s 2900 IDMS database product. He spent the first seven years of his career working in defense and government systems. Leon has a B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Wales.

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