
FairCom Joins INCITS Committee that Defines GQL, SQL Standards

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According to a recent press release, “FairCom Corporation, one of the most trusted names in the database industry, announced today that it has accepted an invitation to join the INCITS technical committee that develops standards for SQL (structured query language) and GQL (graph query language). The technical committee is one of the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) committees, which is the central U.S. forum dedicated to creating technology standards for the next generation of innovation. Chief Architect Mike Bowers will serve as FairCom’s representative on the INCITS/DM32 – Data Management and Interchange committee, which develops standards for database languages and metadata. Bowers is recognized within the database industry as a leading expert, especially in the evolving area of graph and document databases.”

The release goes on, “Among the members of the INCITS/DM32 committee are Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, Teradata, Neo4j, and others. Since its founding 40 years ago, FairCom’s innovative database technology has a much-deserved reputation of extreme performance with customers consistently achieving hundreds of thousands of transactions per second (TPS) on a single server and the ability to scale to hundreds of millions of TPS across servers. Currently, more than 40 percent of the Fortune 100 uses FairCom database solutions, which includes the c-treeACE unified multimodel database, the c-treeEDGE IoT Database and the c-treeRTG legacy data management solutions.”

Read more at PR Newswire.

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