
The Future of Data Literacy

There was a time when only the elite, tech-savvy staff in an organization understood and felt qualified to discuss data-enabled business decisions. These individuals often possessed advanced academic degrees in Data Science, data engineering, statistics, operations research and other allied fields and did not speak the language of the ordinary business staff. As a result, […]

Four Reasons SaaS Analytics Is Exploding

Click to learn more about author Josh Good. Shifting to the cloud helped countless businesses keep the lights on in 2020, as widespread disruption gave them the means and motive to fully embrace Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) across their business. Cloud services are now serving as the foundation for how enterprises adopt products and services, including analytics […]

The Third Pillar of Trusted AI: Ethics

Click to learn more about author Scott Reed. Building an accurate, fast, and performant model founded upon strong Data Quality standards is no easy task. Taking the model into production with governance workflows and monitoring for sustainability is even more challenging. Finally, ensuring the model is explainable, transparent, and fair based on your organization’s ethics […]

ADV Webinar: The Shifting Landscape of Data Integration

To view just the slides from this presentation, click HERE>> This webinar is sponsored by: About the Webinar Enterprises and organizations from every industry and scale are working to leverage data to achieve their strategic objectives — whether they are to be more profitable, effective, risk-tolerant, prepared, sustainable, and/or adaptable in an ever-changing world. Data […]

Exploring a Chemistry Ontology

Click to learn more about author Martyna Pawletta. We are often asked if it’s possible to work with ontologies. By “work with ontologies,” people can mean many different things, but let’s focus today on one particular ontology and basic tasks, including reading and querying ontologies to create an interactive tool at the end. For this purpose, today, we dive […]