
A Brief History of Data Quality

The term “Data Quality” focuses primarily on the level of accuracy possessed by the data, but also includes other qualities such as accessibility and usefulness. Some data isn’t accurate at all, which, in turn, promotes bad decision-making. Some organizations promote fact-checking and Data Governance, and, as a consequence, make decisions that give them an advantage. […]

Data Intelligence: The Key to Empowered People and Decisions

McKinsey analysts predict that enterprise employees will rely on data for almost every decision come 2025. If true, this development would mark a significant departure from the current business modus operandi. According to our research, only 25% of enterprise data professionals believe their organization’s decision-making process is data-backed or strategic.  How are these two concepts – the perception of data […]

How to Become a Data Product Manager

Becoming a data product manager means taking responsibility for the development and management of data products. Broadly speaking, a data product is any software or algorithms that use data to accomplish a goal. The data product manager is a management position, and requires several years of experience within the data industry to be done well.  […]

Types of Data Visualization and Their Uses

In today’s data-first business environment, the ability to convey complex information in an understandable and visually appealing manner is paramount. Different types of data visualization help transform analyzed data into comprehensible visuals for all types of audiences, from novices to experts. In fact, research has shown that the human brain can process images in as little as […]

Granularity Is the True Data Advantage

Commerce today runs on data – guiding product development, improving operational efficiency, and personalizing the customer experience. However, many organizations fall into the trap of thinking that more data means more sales, when these two factors aren’t directly correlated. Often, executives will become overzealous in their digital transformations and cut blank checks for data collection, […]

Data Discovery 101

Data discovery deals with extracting useful information from data and presenting it in a visual format that is easily understood. The types of useful information discovered during the process range from finding patterns in human behavior to gaining insights about data glitches to answering highly specific business questions. Using data taken from a variety of […]

The Rise of Augmented Analytics: Combining AI with BI for Enhanced Data Insights

Businesses today are drowning in data. The sheer volume and complexity of information available have made it increasingly difficult for organizations to extract meaningful insights using traditional business intelligence (BI) tools and the expertise of specialized data scientists. This is where augmented analytics comes in. This game-changing technology combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI) […]